I'm writing this in mid-2020 in the midst of the pandemic known as COVID-19.

It's shortly before Tax Day and as an American and a patriot, I feel inclined to share this tax strategy with you. Why, you may ask?

Because I believe I have some tax debt to be paid off, not to the IRS (yet), but to the universe.

I realized that I have been irresponsible with my spending over the past 5-10 years, possibly even my adult life.

Because of that, it's likely that I will owe some taxes to the IRS and state government. Rather than try to weasel my way out of it, I decided to write a series of books that I hope will accomplish the following:

  1. Share some of my very specialized expertise with likeminded people who have challenges and problems that I just happen to know a lot about.
  2. Generate revenue so that I can pay my debts back to the universe.
  3. Help more people shake off the shackles of modern day slavery and become free people once again (or for the first time).

I hearby promise that all revenue from this book shall go to pay my debts until all my debts to the universe are paid.

Now let's get started.

Why Do You Need This Tax Loophole?